Home Visiting

What is a home visitor?

A home visitor is typically a trained nurse, social worker, or early childhood specialist. They work closely with families to guide them through the early stages of raising a family. Services are voluntary and free.

Early childhood home visiting is a service delivery strategy that matches expectant parents and caregivers of young children with a designated support person, the home visitor.

Some benefits that families experience when working with a home visitor are:

  • Improved maternal and child health
  • Safe homes and positive relationships
  • Increased school readiness
  • Improved parent self-sufficiency
  • Short and long- term financial benefits

What does a home visitor do?

Home visitors work closely with families to develop an individualized plan. They meet with the family for scheduled visits that typically take place in the family’s home.

For some families, it can be an uncomfortable idea to receive support from an outside source. Home visitors recognize and appreciate the vital role of parent’s and caregivers and maintain confidentiality and respect for a family’s personal values. They delight in children’s imagination, creativity and play.

Home visitors work hard to do everything possible to help the whole family thrive. A few area’s of support that home visitors focus on are:

  • Direct education
  • Positive parenting skills
  • Coordinated services
  • Necessary referrals
  • Screen for child development
  • Domestic violence
  • Maternal depression


Home Visiting Models

There are several different types of home visiting models offered across the state of Alaska.

  • Parents As Teachers (PAT)
  • Nurse Family Partnership (NFP)
  • Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV)
  • Early Head Start
  • Head Start
  • New Parent Support Program- Military

Depending on location, there are different home visiting models available to families. Home visiting programs are implemented by approved organizations, who serve different areas.
Most organizations that provide home visiting programs are nonprofit, tribal, or hospitals.

Is Home Visiting for you?

Whether you are ready to get started or you want more information, we can help!

Our Family Support Specialists, with Help Me Grow Alaska, are here to help. They are equipped to provide sound guidance, high quality information and recommendations specific to your families needs.

If you want to explore options on your own, click on the “Show Me The Map” button, to be taken to a map of Alaska.