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Help Me Grow Alaska has updated our outreach materials which describe our program and services, including contact information to speak to our Family Support Specialists in our call center and information on how to refer a family for services and supports.

We have brochures, rack cards, one-page description sheets (in both color and black and white) coloring sheets with our new illustrations on one side and description sheets on the other, labeled crayon packs and Alaskan versions of the CDC Milestone Moments booklets.

Help Me Grow Alaska together with Alaska’s Act Early Team has adapted three children’s books originally created by the CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early. campaign to help families understand and identify developmental milestones. There is a book for one-, two- and three-year-olds respectively, and they have each been adapted and illustrated by an Alaskan artist and early childhood professional to better reflect the experience and landscape of Alaskan children. These books are available, free of charge, to organizations serving children birth through age four. All books are required to be provided to families free of charge, and any organization receiving the books is prohibited from reselling or charging families.

We have brochures, rack cards, one-page description sheets (in both color and black and white) coloring sheets with our new illustrations on one side and description sheets on the other, labeled crayon packs and Alaskan versions of the CDC Milestone Moments booklets.

Help Me Grow Materials

Baby’s Busy Day Book

Being One is So Much Fun!

Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age.

They offer important clues about your child’s developmental health.
In this story, the baby bear shows just a few of the milestones to look for by your baby’s first birthday. There are tips for parents along the way that share how to support each milestone.

Where Is Bear? Book

Meet Fox, Bear, and their friends, Chickadee, River Otter, Ermine, and Vole!

In this terrifically unique and interactive tale, your 2-year-old child will help Fox find Bear. Each step in your child’s quest to find Bear highlights important milestones in your child’s growth and development. Look for the paw print on each page for these Milestone Moments.

Be sure to review the milestone checklist and helpful parenting tips at the end of the book to learn more about your child’s development.

We have both English and Tagalog versions available.

Amazing Me Book

In this story, an amazing fox named Skye shows all of the amazing things a 3-year-old can do. These amazing things are called developmental milestones. First steps, first words, and using the potty for the first time are all developmental milestones.

This book will show you what to look for as your child grows and develops.
See if your 3-year-old child is able to do some of the same things as Skye.

This book has been adapted for Alaskan children and families.

Milestone Moments Booklet

Milestones Matter!

How your child plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves offers important clues about your child’s development. Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age.

Look inside for milestones to watch for in your child and tips for how you can help your child learn and grow.

We have both English and Spanish versions available.

Business Cards

Help Me Grow Alaska contact information. Makes it easy to reach our Family Support Specialists in our call center.
These are great to share with families and providers!

one pager

We have one-page description sheets (in both color and black and white) that are filled with information about Help Me Grow Alaska and ways we support Alaskan families.

Rack Card

Our rack cards share information on who we serve, who we are, and what to expect when you call Help Me Grow Alaska.

These are helpful to have available for those looking for a place to start.

Trifold Brochure

Our brochures have all the information provided on our Rack Card and more! Information on developmental screening and our Help Me Grow Alaska vision are included.

These are great to have available in offices, waiting areas, and at events.

Provider How To Refer Rack Card

Referring a family made easy!

This rack card provides information on what you can expect when making a referral. Included, are 3 easy options to choose from, when beginning the referral process.

ASQ-3 Materials Kits for Developmental Screening

ASQ kits made easy for those trained in administering the ASQ.
ASQ-3 is a set of questionnaires about children’s development. It has been used for more than 20 years to make sure children are developing well. It is called a screener because it looks at how children are doing in important areas, such as speech, physical ability, social skills, and problem-solving skills. ASQ-3 can help identify your child’s strengths as well as any areas where your child may need support.

If requesting this item, please keep in mind that this kit is intended to support administering the questionnaire, not to be handed out to families.

Strengthening Families™ Toolkit

Strengthening Families™ was developed as a framework for providers to use as they help families grow stronger, especially those who are struggling to respond to their children’s needs.

PAL-PAK Care Guide

PAL-PAK Care Guides are available to providers caring for any child or teen in Alaska.

PAL-PAK publishes Primary Care Principles for Child Mental Health yearly. This guide is based on current evidence about mental health treatments in children, focused into practical points for the pediatric primary care physician.

Developmental Screening Magnets

These magnets are easy to add to anything magnetic around the office, share with other providers, and hand out to families. Smaller in size than our posters. The magnets provide families basic information on Developmental Screening, why it is important, and how to learn more.

Created by the Universal Developmental Screening Advisory Committee in partnership with the State of Alaska, Women’s, Children’s and Family Health department.

Developmental Screening Poster

This poster is 24″x 18″.

This poster is a great resource to have available in waiting rooms or lobby’s. It provides families more information on what Developmental Screening is, why it is important, and how to learn more.

Created by the Universal Developmental Screening Advisory Committee in partnership with the State of Alaska, Women’s, Children’s and Family Health department.

Coloring Sheets

Free to download and print!
There are several designs to choose from.

These are great to have available in waiting rooms or as give aways.

When requested in the order form, these sheets have the coloring design on the front and Help Me Grow Alaska information on the back.

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