The All Alaska Pediatric Partnership supports and links healthcare services between government, healthcare entities, social services, and payers for children and families by leading collaborative opportunities, enhanced communication, expanding education and training opportunities for all healthcare professionals.
We use every available method possible to make these connections, whether it’s online, in-person or by phone. Helping Alaska healthcare entities improve family wellness is priority one for AAPP. We believe that raising healthy, well-educated children is every community’s primary responsibility. It takes all of us working together to help communities fulfill this promise.
Alaska Early Childhood Environmental Scan
Baseline Report on the Condition of Young Children
This report is a resource for policymakers, program managers, service providers, and anyone who cares about Alaska’s young children and families. It is not intended to define the system as it should be, but to start a conversation about how to achieve a shared vision of healthy, thriving young children and families in Alaska.
Strengthening Families
Strengthening Families™ is a research-informed approach to increase family strengths, enhance child development and reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect. It is based on engaging families, programs and communities in building five protective factors: Parental Resilience, Social Connections, Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development, Concrete Support in Times of Need, Social and Emotional Competence.
In 2016, the All Alaska Pediatric Partnership received funding from Alaska Children’s Trust to contract with Strengthening Families Alaska for the development of a Strengthening Families Toolkit designed with primary care providers in mind. The toolkit offers a shortened training on the Strengthening Families framework and provides real practical and useful tips and resources for integrating the framework’s protective factors into providers’ every day practice seeing families. While we are making these tools available on our website, we highly recommend attending a training before implementing these resources in a practice.
2024-2025 Partnership Meeting Resources
Resources and presentations from past Partnership Meetings are hosted here.
Partnership Meeting
Partnership Meeting Recording
Due to internet connectivity issues in Sitka, this meeting was not able to be live streamed. The in-person meeting did take place and the recording has been uploaded and linked.
2023-2024 Partnership Meeting Resources
Resources and presentations from past Partnership Meetings are hosted here.